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Quality Statement

Titan Environmental Surveys has been certified by ACS Registrars with the ISO9001 standard, which is an internationally accepted Quality Managment System providing effective buisness management and best practice methodology.


It is the policy of Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd to ensure that the customer's requirements are fully and completely satisfied in a safe, effective and efficient manner throughout all stages of the contract.


To assist in achieving this policy the company has developed a management system that covers all areas of the company's activities.  This system is based on good working practices and complies with the requirements of ISO 9001.  This extends to all statutory and regulatory requirements as applicable.


The system has been implemented using a combination of documented systems and the use of competent personnel.  All employees have been assessed to determine their levels of competence and their resulting training requirements shall be addressed as a priority.

The system is continuously reviewed to ensure that it is effective and applicable to the organisation.

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